Tiny IoT Sensors Saved 40 Hours of Cleaning Time Per Month

Pippa Boothman
Disruptive Technologies
2 min readJul 6, 2022


The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences (NIH) is one of the world’s best providers of sports science education and research. To ensure a healthy and spotless educational and working environment, they got help from Disruptive Technologies Certified Partner Datec. 147 tiny wireless sensors are installed across the school’s meeting room doors and bathroom stalls. The sensors send data to Datec’s smart cleaning system, CleanPilot Connect, which was installed on portable tablets and handed out to NIH cleaners. Proximity sensors on doors track the occupancy of meeting rooms and restroom stalls.

Clean when and where needed

NIH can direct cleaners to areas where there is a greater need and postpone cleaning of underutilized rooms. The Datec & DT enabled smart cleaning system saved 40.5 cleaning hours in October 2020 alone. Using CleanPilot Connect has led to more efficient cleaning when adjusting efforts, taking occupancy and the cleaner’s location into account. The sensors also send alerts when the air temperature becomes uncomfortable and the swimming halls get too cold. NIH is rolling out DT sensors under desks and chairs in employee meeting rooms and students’ group rooms.

This will help them measure and allocate space capacity. NIH already has Cloud Connectors installed throughout their buildings to facilitate smart cleaning. One Cloud Connector can support up to thousands of sensors and is designed to make scaling up effortless.

To learn more about the other sensors, use cases and the ROI of this case, read here.



Pippa Boothman
Disruptive Technologies

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